Sunday, June 21, 2009

Solar Powered Fridge

This amazing solar-powered fridge was invented by Emily Cummins, a British college student. What is amazing is that the fridge can be built from household materials and without using any power it can stays at a comfortable 6° C. Now i will explain you how it works:
- this fridge is made up of two cylinders - one inside the other - and is not connected to any power source. Outer cylinder made of any solid material( eg plastic or wood) with holes drilled in the side.
- inner cylinder is made of metal and has no holes to ensure contents remain dry.
- the gap between the inner and outer cylinder is filled with a material such as sand, wool or soil, that can be soaked with water.
- In hot weather the sun’s rays heats this wet material and the water evaporates off. As the material is held against the inner cylinder wall, heat is removed from the inner chamber by the evaporation process, keeping it at a temperature of a cool 6c.
- resoaking material with fresh water will keep the fridge working.
With this fridge, Emily Cummins will help a lot the poor locales. What is your opinion about this fride?


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